Together with the French Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (LPS) Orsay, Ulrich Hohenester, Georg Haberfehlner and Gerald Kothleitner from the Institute of Physics at the University of Graz have now succeeded for the first time in mapping surface phonons in three dimensions. The results were published in the journal Science.
Three-dimensional vectorial imaging of surface phonon polaritons
Li, XY (Li, Xiaoyan); Haberfehlner, G (Haberfehlner, Georg); Hohenester, U (Hohenester, Ulrich) ; Stephan, O (Stephan, Odile) ; Kothleitner, G (Kothleitner, Gerald); Kociak, M (Kociak, Mathieu)
SCIENCE; Volume: 371, Issue: 6536, Pages: 1364-1367; MAR 26 2021